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Pitt returned with intelligence that the warrant was delayed, and, on taking the opinion of two eminent lawyers of the day, Sir William Thomson and Mr. Something seemed awry. Tell him the truth, Annabel. So go up-stairs and get your things together while I look out for a hansom. ’ ‘Why not?’ Gerald asked straightly. Wood trembled. I loitered in the shop as you chatted with the butcher’s girl. ” “But, my dear Peter!” said Miss Stanley. ” “Cabmen are so trying,” Mrs. ” That conversation ended and he turned to her again. That is why I came to London. After debating with himself whether he should further seek an interview, which, though, now in his power, was so sedulously shunned by the other party, he decided in the negative; and contenting himself with writing upon a slip of paper the hasty words,—"You are known by the villagers,—be upon your guard,"—he gave it to the ostler, with instructions to deliver it instantly to the owner of the horse he pointed out, and pursued his course.

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